Design Thinking

Taking on complexity and innovating are day-to-day challenges which Design Thinking deals with – these four video knowledge pills explain this approach.

Video description:

Pill 1

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Pill 3

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Pill 2

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Pill 4

What you will learn

The goal of these videos is to introduce Design Thinking, a modern and structured multidisciplinary methodology which is useful for taking on difficult challenges and generating innovation at the same time.

Objective 1

Solving complex problems

Objective 2

The five phases of Design Thinking

Objective 3

Creating effective and innovative solutions


In this course, made up of four video knowledge pills created in partnership with Talent Garden, you will learn more about the Design Thinking approach, a cutting-edge creative method to deal with difficult issues, exploring them from different points of view. It starts off with the origins and history of this approach to explain its links to design, before arriving at the model we know today. The main characteristics will then be illustrated, and its component stages, which lead to the development of innovative solutions, analysed individually. (1) Empathy: understanding the needs and desires of end users (2) Defining the problem in a clear and concise fashion using the information gathered (3) Brainstorming potential solutions, stimulating creativity (4) Prototyping tangible and experimental solutions (5) Testing the prototypes to assess their effectiveness. It will be possible to test what you have learned about Design Thinking by completing some brief final questionnaires for each module:

•    TEST Pill 1 DT: click here
•    TEST Pill 2 DT: click here
•    TEST Pill 3 DT: click here
•    TEST Pill 4 DT: click here

The course teachers

  • Talent Garden ,

    Role: Talent Garden is Europe’s leading digital education provider and coworking network for innovators and tech ecosystem.


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